Saturday, 26 March 2016



At first Thomas thought it was April fool
He was there when the master was tortured
Even if the messiah fainted, still
He was there when the master was buried

Was three days in grave not enough to die?
So Tom came back from his daily business
And heard his master's murder's now a lie
His friends and colleagues now claim witnesses

He knew master said he would rise again
Believing what you see is quite simple
So they were witnessing from what they'd seen
Not Bro. Tom. He too needed his sample

So, if I don't believe you forgive me.
Like Thomas, I wasn't there, please show me.

Okpo Ewa Culled from EWALOGUE (pictured anthology : collection of poems with pictures reflecting the poets mood, tone, themes and messages). On its way to your shelves. (photo by Mr. Stephen Nwane. 27/3/16. @ 6.45 a.m Easter Cheers y'all!!!

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