Wednesday, 6 January 2016


The New Oliver Twist

Don't be afraid to ask. I wish I could say that a million times. Many people are just living low level lives because they were afraid to ask for more.

Recently, I had a conversation with someone. That conversation actually inspired this note. She told me she wanted to participate in a Pay What You Want session of SPL that I held some time ago but she could not raise the money she had proposed to pay. So she did not participate.

The irony of it was that in that same session there was one other person who participated in that class, taking advantage of the "Pay What You Want" offer. But this other person paid AFTER the class. What was the difference? He asked.

He inquired from me if he could participate and pay after the class and he gave me his reasons. Now, that does not mean I say yes to everyone who tries to do that but I have said yes to a few. What if they did not ask at all?

The worst that will happen when you ask is that you will get a "No" for an answer. But nobody ever died because they got a "No." Some people have even gotten a "No" when they asked the question, "Will you marry me?" in front of an audience that had been pre-informed to celebrate with them hoping she will say "Yes." It does not get "badder" than that.

Truth be told, and sales people are trained on this, you will get a lot of "Nos" before getting one "Yes." That is an undeniable fact. So the earlier you start getting your "Nos" the better for you. It means you are getting closer to your "Yes."

Not everyone driving a big car paid cash for the car. Not everyone in Harvard paid the actual tuition. The difference is that they were bold enough to ask. You can get a good car in Nigeria with a 20percent down payment. You may not believe it but it is true. You can go to Harvard on scholarship. But you will never know until you ask.

Am I saying that you should therefore be looking for ways to get everything without paying for it? No. But there are times an opportunity will come and you don't really have the financial power to take a hold of it. That should not stop you.

You missed the class when it was N5,000 because you did not take it seriously. That very class now costs N15,000 to register for it. Why don't you do everything to participate NOW instead of regretting missing it when it was N5,000. One day it will be N150,000. What will you do then?

It depends on how much value you place on that class. You can meet the organisers and plead for a discount. You can plead that they let you participate and you pay later. You can borrow the money from a friend so you can attend the class and you pay back the money on a later date. There are a million options to try. It depends on how much value you place on the class. The worst you will get is a "No."

Be the new Oliver Twist. Don't be afraid to ask.

As always,
The one whom Jesus loves,
Mute Efe.

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